Tawkify Dating App Rating: 3,4/5 3925 reviews

So what’s the deal with Tawkify?

If so, you might want to give Tawkify a try. This dating app is worth a try if you’re sick of striking out with all the other options, like Tinder and Bumble. It’s affordable and a great way to meet new people. You May Also Be Interested In.

Self-proclaimed as “the antidote to dating site fatigue”, Tawkify is a dating service that uses real matchmakers (no computer algorithms) to connect you with other singles.

How does it compare with dating apps?

  1. Tawkify provides a high touch dating experience for its users, giving them quality matches and unique dates with minimal investment by the user. Clients enjoy more privacy than sites where their profiles are publicly browsable while saving stress, effort, and time.
  2. With over 20,000 strong matches, a passionate team of over 150 and over five years of R&D, Tawkify is excited to provide you a personal dating experience backed by crazy tech to make an impact on your love life. For a limited time, take advantage of our free screening with one of our experts today and experience dating as it should be.

Is it worth the expense?

We pored over Tawkify reviews, read member feedback, and compiled all the pros and cons so you can make an informed decision.

What does Tawkify cost?

Tawkify does not list all pricing on their site, and they indicate it varies based on what city you’re in and special offers/promos, so the below are subject to change.

If you sign up as a Tawkify Matchmaker Member, the fee is $99/yr, and your profile will be included in the database pool, but you will not be paired with your own matchmaker. Basically, you don’t have guaranteed dates, but Tawkify will set you up with one of their members if you seem like a good fit.

A Tawkify Matchmaker Client will spend around $500/month (+ the cost of the date), to get paired with a matchmaker and receive handpicked matches. Clients are guaranteed at least one date per month.

PROS — What people love about Tawkify


Personalized, done-for-you matching — Tawkify members who are sick of swiping on dating apps love having a human matchmaker (whom they’ve developed a relationship with) to find them good people to date.

Safety — Women members specifically like that Tawkify thoroughly screens and vets their members, making Tawkify dates feel a bit less risky than other online dating.


Date planning included Tawkify actually plans dates, so all you have to do is show up. One could argue that coming up with creative dates is the first step to sharing your personality with someone, but this is a nice feature if you’re busy and don’t have a ton of time for planning.


CONS — What people don’t like about Tawkify

Blind dates — You can’t see a profile or photos of your Tawkify date before you meet. This can be jarring for those of us who don’t even choose which laundry detergent to buy without thorough online research.

Long process — Some users, specifically clients who joined the database but didn’t pay for a matchmaker, reported waiting several months for even one date.

Have to manage expectations — Compared to people using free dating apps, Tawkify members shell out a good deal of cash and complete thorough surveys on their preferences in a mate. As a result, users expect immensely high-quality matches. However, you’re still you, and other Tawkify members are still humans, so if you go into this process expecting unicorns, you’ll probably be disappointed. Particularly, if you have a long list of physical attributes you consider to be deal breakers, you may be frustrated with Tawkify matches (and they with you).

Overall takeaway: 👍

Tawkify Dating App Sign In

Tawkify sounds like a genuinely cool option for people who have some money to spend and hate swiping on dating apps. It’s worth mentioning, though, that people who struggle to get good matches on apps might just find that optimizing their profile is all they need.

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Tawkify Dating App

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E. Jean Carroll writes the Ask E. Jean column in Elle magazine. Incredibly it's the longest, currently-running advice column in American publishing. She has six million readers. E. Jean was a writer for Saturday Night Live, a contributing editor to Esquire, Outside, and Playboy. Her TV show on MSNBC was called—what else?—Ask E. Jean. She founded, with her sister, Cande Carroll, the breakthrough dating site, GreatBoyfriends.com (where women recommend their ex-boyfriends to each other) and which has been profiled in The New York Times, Newsweek, Men's Health, etc., and seen on The Today Show, Oprah, CNN, etc.

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After two glasses of wine, E. Jean estimates that with her experience, book, Mr. Right, Right Now, coaching site, Dating: E. Jean, and YouTube Channel, she has helped more people find enticing mates than any advice columnist in history.

Kenneth Shaw was most recently the principal imagineer at One Kings Lane. He began his career at Microsoft, and moved on to become the bashful firebrand who created My Purity Test, one of the most popular Facebook apps of all time. He also created the Elle magazine Facebook App and Homeslyce.com. He graduated from Stanford in '07—he's a geek, a black belt in Hapkido, and possesses such a sunny disposition he makes a basket of puppies look depressed.